A school counselor is with her adolescent patient.

The Types of Jobs Available with a Master's in Counseling

Are you interested in helping people with mental health, family and relationship, or substance abuse issues? A master's degree in counseling can give you the education and hands-on experience needed to become a counselor or psychologist.

CCU's online master's in counseling, which is also available in a classroom setting, provides students with two and a half years of rigorous coursework, experiential learning, and mentorship. Our program is nationally accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) and is a contender for one of the top counseling programs in the U.S.

Here are 5 jobs you can get with a counseling master's degree

School Psychologist

  • Median salary: $78,690
  • Est. number of jobs: 107,980

If you have a passion for working with children, becoming a school psychologist might be the career for you. In this role, a licensed counselor will help diagnose learning disabilities, mental disorders, and behavioral issues. (Licensing requirements vary state-to-state.)

Mental Health Counselor

  • Median salary: $46,050
  • Est. number of jobs: 139,820

Mental health counselors can work in a variety of settings, including outpatient care centers, hospitals, or substance abuse clinics. This type of counselor may address issues such as addictions, stress, and relationships.

Clinical Psychologist

  • Median salary: $75,230
  • Est. number of jobs: 166,600

Psychologists focus on emotional, cognitive, and behavioral health. Many psychologists have a private practice, or they work in a doctor's office, are a resource through a hospital, or work in schools. This profession may require a doctorate as well.

Family Therapist

  • Median salary: $54,090
  • Est. number of jobs: 36,960

Family therapists assist with mental health issues related to relationships and/or children. This kind of therapy might be in a group or individual setting. Mental health, emotional disorders, and abuse may all be addressed.

Substance Abuse Counselor

  • Median salary: $44,160
  • Est. number of jobs: 91,040

A substance abuse counselor might wear many different hats in their profession. This type of counselor may lead a group session, or they might facilitate individual therapy involving eating disorders, drugs, or alcohol.

Many careers in counseling may require additional education, certifications, and/or training.


Colorado Christian University does not guarantee any job placement as a result of earning this or any other degrees offered by the university.

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