bible open on a table next to a cup of coffee

Create a Habit of Daily Devotionals

In a world pulsing with the rapid beat of modern life, dedicating time to daily devotionals may appear quaint or unattainable. Yet, within this simple practice, you can uncover the key to unlocking profound personal transformation and a deeper connection in your walk with Christ by the creation of a daily habit. Daily devotionals and the study...

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A man standing and pointing at a board with graphs and charts.

10 Characteristics of an Effective Manager

Are you a manager looking to make a difference in your workplace? Do you want to be a leader that will positively influence your team? Whether you manage five or fifty employees, being a great manager comes with a lot of responsibility. Colorado Christian University offers over 100 degree program options in a variety of different fields, and,...

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bible and a notepad

Teaching With a Biblical Worldview

As Christians, a biblical worldview is the framework that shapes our understanding of the world and directs our actions within it. As educators, adopting a biblical worldview means glorifying God through every aspect of our work with students. At Colorado Christian University, every class is taught with a biblical worldview with the ultimate...

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female adult student

Back to School Tips for Adults By Enneagram Type

Going back to school is an exciting new chapter, but it can also be challenging. Taking time to understand your Enneagram personality type can be tremendously helpful in setting yourself up for success. The Enneagram is a personality framework that describes nine distinct personality types, each characterized by specific traits, tendencies, and...

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Ashes with Cross

Preparing Your Heart for Easter by Embracing Lent

For many, Lent conjures images of giving up favorite foods, but its spiritual significance is far more profound. As Easter approaches, the Lenten season offers a sacred journey of reflection, repentance, and renewal. As we prepare our hearts for the joyous celebration of Christ's resurrection, this is especially poignant for Christians who...

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red pink and white hearts

Jesus’s Sacrifice - The Greatest Love of All

As the world adorns itself in hues of red and pink for Valentine’s Day, preparing to celebrate the many expressions of love, let us turn our hearts to the profound and radical love that redefined humanity's history. This love, so pure and unfathomable, was demonstrated through Jesus Christ's selfless sacrifice on the cross, an act...

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Pursue your passion with an online degree that’s designed specifically for busy adults and anchored with biblical values. At CCU, all classes are taught with a Christian worldview, emphasizing how your personal values and ethics can impact your education, your life, and your work.

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