woman holding a bible

5 Traits of a Successful Christian Counselor

If you are considering a career or ministry in Christian counseling, you are probably wondering what traits make the most effective Christian counselor. Is it knowledge, training, and insight? Or is it maturity, flexibility, and compassion?

The truth is, that there are several steps to becoming a Christian counselor, and it requires many traits to become effective in Christian counseling. Pursuing a degree in Christian counseling is a serious consideration; one with life-changing implications for both you and your clients. Considering the traits that make a career Christian counselor successful in his or her practice is essential to take that first step toward a fulfilling career.

Knowledge and Training

The level of training and instruction you receive in Christian counseling is critical in how well you perform in the field. The need for counseling services is on the rise, and the counselor will experience numerous challenges and demands. Deep knowledge and expert training will help meet those demands as well as develop trust with the client.


Insight is the ability to see and understand how every individual and experience fits into a particular picture and plays a role in current circumstances. A counselor may have expert training, but without insight, it is impossible to grasp the full picture or apply biblical concepts effectively.


A part of God’s infinite creation, humans display an endless array of personality traits, experiences, and needs. One of the most important traits in counseling is flexibility and the ability to change things such as communication styles or meeting structures to meet the client’s needs.

Spiritual Maturity

Spiritual maturity is not just biblical knowledge, and it does not come easy. Spiritual maturity is the ability to apply biblical knowledge to one’s own life, consistently demonstrating wisdom, humility, holiness, and forgiveness. The spiritually mature counselor will lead by example, recognizing God and scripture as the ultimate source of truth and guidance.


One of the traits that set exceptional Christian counselors apart from the rest is true, Christ-like compassion. Compassion sees beyond the surface and situation to the heart of suffering and it is compassion that helps others see their own lives in the light of Christ and experience true healing.

The world is inundated with people overwhelmed by today’s societal pressures. The field of Christian counseling is one way to help meet the needs of the hurting and reach out with Christ’s love.

CCU offers programs online and on campus. If you feel you have the traits and the desire to become a top-notch Christian counselor, consider CCU’s Master of Arts in Counseling program as part of your journey here on Earth.

Find out what options you have for continuing your education and learning more about a future career in this exciting field!

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