bible open to proverbs

Proverbs Devotional: 31 Chapters in 31 Days

Life can feel like a whirlwind sometimes, can't it? You're juggling work deadlines, family responsibilities, and maybe even pursuing further education. In the midst of it all, you're trying to keep your faith strong and grow spiritually. It's a lot to handle, and often, it can feel overwhelming. Yet, it is still God’s desire to have a...

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male ccu student working at a desk and computer

8 Tips for Balancing Work, Life, and School as a Busy Executive

Pursuing a graduate degree while maintaining a full-time career and personal commitments is a challenging but rewarding journey. As a working executive, you may find yourself juggling multiple responsibilities, striving to excel in your career, and making time for your loved ones while dedicating yourself to your academic pursuits. It may feel...

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female counselor with client

The 5 Highest Paying Careers in Counseling

Counseling is a profession that allows you to create genuine, lasting changes in people's lives. The demand for counselors is high, and the versatility within the profession is noteworthy. Whether you're interested in school counseling, marriage and family therapy, or clinical mental health counseling, there are many paths you can take. Plus,...

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beautiful mountain scenes

How Obedience Shows Our Love for God Through Joyful Devotion

Obedience demonstrates a profound and tangible commitment to God. Believers actively choose to observe His commandments, driven not by duty or obligation but by joyful devotion. Aligning our lives with His perfect will and adhering to His guidance brings us peace, purpose, and blessings, allowing us to live in harmony with our Heavenly Father....

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mountains and beautiful sky

The Power of God's Fatherly Love

God’s love transcends human understanding, offering boundless compassion and a deeply personal connection between God the Father and every believer. His love is both a refuge and a beacon, illuminating our path and wrapping us in a sense of security that no earthly relationship can fully replicate. God's fatherly love exemplifies...

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african american female studying

How to Stay Focused While Studying for Online Classes

Staying disciplined is arguably the biggest challenge of taking an online class. In a conventional classroom setting, you're already "stuck" there for the period, naturally encouraging you to pay attention, take notes, and derive something valuable from the session.The structure and environment of a physical classroom inherently reduce...

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