female adult student

Back to School Tips for Adults By Enneagram Type

Going back to school is an exciting new chapter, but it can also be challenging. Taking time to understand your Enneagram personality type can be tremendously helpful in setting yourself up for success.

The Enneagram is a personality framework that describes nine distinct personality types, each characterized by specific traits, tendencies, and core motivations. It explores how you perceive and respond to the world, offering insights into your behaviors, fears, desires, and growth paths. Represented as a nine-pointed diagram, the Enneagram reflects these nine different personality types with interconnectedness and unique relationships.

It is widely used for personal and spiritual development;, fostering self-awareness, empathy, and understanding of others; and providing a framework using these nine basic types to navigate your personal and interpersonal dynamics.

Knowing your Enneagram type allows you to anticipate and proactively address potential pitfalls and also helps you maximize your natural strengths. The Enneagram types provides key insights into your talents, values, and motivations. For instance, Type 5's intense focus helps them thrive in self-directed learning, while Type 2’s compassion allows them to form meaningful bonds. When you leverage what your type does best, you are more self-confident and empowered to share your gifts with others while pursuing a rewarding academic journey tailored to how you learn.

Awareness of how you may respond to stress, collaboration, or competition helps you build healthier relationships with classmates and faculty. It helps you tailor your approach to group discussions, communication styles, and conflict resolution to create harmony and a productive learning environment.

When returning to school, self-knowledge of your Enneagram type empowers you to approach education with a more holistic understanding of yourself, enabling personal growth and academic success.

Here are some ways you can use this awareness of the nine types to succeed and thrive as a better student as you go back to school or start a new school year:

Type 1 - The Perfectionist/Reformer

If you are an Enneagram 1, you approach learning with a meticulous and detail-oriented mindset. You are driven by a desire for excellence and a commitment to correctness. You typically thrive in structured learning environments, where clear expectations and guidelines are provided. Your strong sense of responsibility and self-discipline encourages you to follow study plans and adhere to deadlines diligently.

However, your quest for perfection may sometimes lead to self-criticism and a fear of making mistakes. To optimize your learning process, you will benefit from acknowledging the inevitability of imperfection, allowing yourself room for experimentation and learning from errors, fostering a more balanced and sustainable approach to acquiring knowledge.

  • Make a plan and schedule to stay organized. Stick to routines.
  • Find ways to contribute to each class positively.
  • Set realistic goals and expectations; avoid being overly self-critical.
  • Embrace flexibility; allow room for unexpected changes in your plans.
  • Balance your studies with self-care to prevent burnout.

You can thrive when going back to school by embracing a balanced approach to perfectionism, setting realistic goals, and allowing room for personal growth. Establishing a structured study routine while maintaining self-compassion and flexibility will help you channel your conscientiousness into academic excellence while fostering a healthier and more adaptive mindset.

Type 2 - The Helper

As an Enneagram 2, you approach learning with a strong interpersonal focus. You thrive in environments where collaboration and connection with others are encouraged. You are motivated by a desire to assist and support those around you, and this extends to your learning style. You often learn best through group discussions, teaching others, or working in tandem with classmates.

Your empathetic nature allows you to understand and connect with different perspectives, enhancing your overall comprehension. It’s important to be mindful of prioritizing your own needs amidst your inclination to assist others in the learning process. Establishing a balance between collaboration and individual study time can optimize your learning experience and foster personal growth.

  • Reach out and get to know your classmates. Find ways to support others.
  • Remember to prioritize your own needs while assisting others.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask for help or support when necessary.
  • Focus on your studies without feeling guilty about setting boundaries.

To be a successful student as a 2, it's crucial to balance your nurturing instincts with self-care, ensuring you meet your own academic needs alongside supporting others. Establishing clear boundaries, communicating your own priorities, and recognizing the value of personal achievement will contribute to a harmonious and fulfilling educational experience for you.

Type 3 - The Achiever

Enneagram 3 approaches learning with a goal-oriented and results-driven mindset. Highly motivated by success and accomplishment, you are proactive in seeking opportunities for growth and advancement in your academic pursuits. You excel in structured and competitive environments, often setting clear and ambitious goals for yourself.

Your efficiency and focus on outcomes drive you to prioritize tasks that contribute directly to your success. You should, however, be cautious about potential burnout and the tendency to equate self-worth solely with achievements. Adopting a more balanced approach that values the learning process for its intrinsic worth can contribute to a more sustainable and fulfilling educational experience.

  • Set ambitious goals for grades, leadership roles, and accolades. Aim to stand out.
  • Find ways to showcase your talents and earn recognition.
  • Don't just focus on external success. Tend to your inner life as well.
  • Set clear academic and personal goals to maintain focus.
  • Be mindful of comparing yourself to others; prioritize personal growth.
  • Allow yourself to enjoy the learning process rather than solely focusing on outcomes.

You can excel as a student by setting clear, achievable goals and embracing a balanced approach to success. Focusing on the joy of learning and personal growth, rather than solely on external validation, allows you to thrive academically while maintaining a healthy and sustainable mindset.

Type 4 - The Individualist

If you are an Enneagram 4, you approach learning with a deep sense of individuality and a desire for personal expression. You thrive in environments that allow you to explore and embrace your unique perspectives. You often find inspiration in creative and unconventional approaches to learning, gravitating toward subjects that resonate with your emotions and imagination.

Your ability to see the world through a distinct lens contributes to a rich and nuanced understanding of their studies. However, you should be mindful of potential tendencies toward introspection and melancholy, which may impact your motivation. Cultivating a balance between introspection and active engagement can optimize your learning experience, allowing you to harness your creativity and bring a unique flavor to your educational journey.

  • Explore classes and activities that tap into your creativity and passions.
  • Find ways to give creative self-expression to your identity as a student.
  • Connect course material to your inner emotional world and values.
  • Embrace your uniqueness and use it to your advantage in your studies.
  • Find ways to express creativity in your assignments or projects.
  • Stay engaged with your peers to avoid isolating yourself.

Embrace your unique perspective and creative instincts, actively seeking out courses and activities that resonate with your individuality. Cultivating connections with like-minded peers and engaging in self-expression through your studies can foster a fulfilling academic experience, allowing you to authentically express yourself and contribute your distinct insights to the learning community.

Type 5 - The Investigator

An Enneagram 5 approaches learning with a profound curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. You prefer independent study and often excel in solitary environments where you can delve deep into subjects of interest. You typically accumulate a vast amount of information, drawing on your analytical and critical thinking skills. While you may appear reserved in group settings, your engagement in discussions is marked by thoughtful contributions and a desire for clarity.

Be mindful and aware of potential tendencies to hoard knowledge or isolate yourself. Balancing your inclination for in-depth research with collaborative learning experiences can enrich your educational journey and contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of your chosen subjects.

  • Dive deep into the subject matter. Go beyond required readings when interested.
  • Be selective with your time and energy. It's OK to say no to some activities.
  • Balance solitary study time with some interactions to stay connected.
  • Manage your time effectively to balance studying and personal interests.
  • Engage in discussions and group activities to broaden your perspectives.
  • Don’t hesitate to share your knowledge and insights with classmates.

You can thrive by balancing your penchant for independent study and active engagement with peers and professors. While maintaining your love for in-depth research and analysis, you should also actively seek opportunities for collaborative learning, which not only broadens your perspective but helps you develop essential interpersonal skills crucial for academic and professional success.

Type 6 - The Loyalist

Enneagram 6s approach learning with a meticulous and cautious mindset. You thrive in structured and secure environments where you can rely on clear guidelines and support systems. You tend to excel in thorough preparation, often asking questions and seeking assurance to alleviate potential anxieties.

While you may initially appear reserved, your engagement in group learning is marked by a keen sense of responsibility and a collaborative spirit. However, you should be mindful of overthinking and excessive worry, recognizing the value of embracing uncertainty as part of the learning process. Encouraging a balance between cautious analysis and embracing new challenges can optimize your educational experience, fostering both confidence and adaptability.

  • Prepare thoroughly to manage anxiety around tests, papers, presentations.
  • Remember that professors and advisors are there to help you.
  • Create a support network among classmates or friends to ease anxiety.
  • Trust your capabilities and don’t let self-doubt hinder your progress.
  • Embrace change as an opportunity for growth rather than fearing it.

To succeed as a new student, establishing a sense of familiarity and security in your academic environment is crucial. Connecting with peers, seeking guidance from mentors, and gradually stepping out of your comfort zone can help you build a supportive network, providing reassurance and fostering a more confident and adaptable approach to your studies.

Type 7 - The Enthusiast

If you are an Enneagram Type 7, you approach learning with a dynamic and experiential mindset. Your enthusiasm for exploration and variety drives you to seek out engaging and stimulating educational experiences. You are a quick learner who thrives in environments that allow for hands-on activities, diverse perspectives, and the freedom to explore different subjects. You often prefer a non-restrictive and flexible learning style, incorporating creativity and spontaneity into your educational journey.

While you may initially struggle with sustained focus on a single topic, your ability to connect ideas and concepts across diverse fields contributes to a holistic understanding of the material. You learn best when you can see the big picture and immediate relevance and application of what you are studying, and you are likely to bring a sense of energy and excitement to the learning process.

  • Say yes to new activities and people.
  • Make sure to finish tasks once the initial excitement wears off.
  • Maintain focus on long-term academic goals while enjoying the learning process.
  • Avoid overcommitting; balance social activities with studying.
  • Embrace challenges as opportunities for personal and academic growth.

When going back to school, you should channel your natural enthusiasm into setting clear academic goals and establishing a structured study plan. Embracing challenges with a positive mindset, balancing academic commitments and enjoyable activities, and fostering connections with peers for support can empower you to navigate the educational journey with excitement and discipline, ensuring a fulfilling and successful experience as a new student.

Type 8 - The Challenger

Enneagram Type 8 individuals approach learning with a direct and assertive style. You are decisive and prefer hands-on experiences that allow you to take charge and actively engage with the material. You value practical knowledge and efficiency, often gravitating towards learning environments that provide tangible results.

Your strong-willed nature drives you to seek mastery and competence in your chosen subjects, and you may thrive in settings that allow you to lead or take on leadership roles. You appreciate challenges and competition but you may benefit from recognizing the importance of collaboration and incorporating different perspectives to enhance your overall learning experience.

  • Use your confidence and willpower to lead class discussions/projects.
  • Channel your intensity into your studies instead of conflicts.
  • Channel your determination and assertiveness towards academic goals.
  • Collaborate with classmates without dominating discussions.
  • Stay open to others’ viewpoints while standing firm in your convictions.

To thrive as a new student, you should leverage your assertive nature by taking on leadership roles and actively participating in learning experiences. You can excel by setting ambitious goals, seeking opportunities for practical application of knowledge, and embracing challenges as opportunities for growth. Additionally, recognizing the value of collaboration and being open to different viewpoints can enhance your learning journey and contribute to your overall success.

Type 9 - The Peacemaker

As an Enneagram Type 9, you approach learning with a calm and receptive demeanor. You thrive in harmonious environments that allow for a sense of peace and minimal conflict. You often learn best through a relaxed and steady pace, appreciating opportunities for reflection and connection with the material. Your open-mindedness and ability to see multiple perspectives contribute to a holistic understanding of subjects.

However, you may benefit from setting clear goals to maintain focus and motivation, as your desire for tranquility might lead to procrastination. In group settings, you often contribute positively by fostering collaboration and consensus. A supportive and inclusive learning atmosphere enhances your ability to absorb and integrate information effectively.

  • Take advantage of opportunities to engage without pressure to perform.
  • Connect authentically with professors during office hours.
  • Advocate for your needs without sacrificing your peace or harmony.
  • Stay engaged in discussions and activities to avoid disengaging or feeling overlooked.
  • Find ways to bring your unique perspective into discussions without conflict avoidance.

As a new student, you can harness your calm and inclusive nature by fostering positive relationships with peers and creating a harmonious learning environment. Setting clear, achievable goals and maintaining a balanced approach to studies while valuing your unique perspective enables you to navigate academic challenges with tranquility, ensuring a successful and fulfilling experience.

A Successful Academic Journey

By considering your Enneagram type, you can significantly contribute to your success as a student with more focus and less stress. Understanding your motivations, strengths, and potential challenges allows you to tailor your approach to learning, creating a more effective and fulfilling educational experience.

Awareness of your Enneagram type can foster self-reflection, enabling you to address any tendencies or obstacles hindering your academic progress. You can enhance your academic performance and personal growth by aligning your study habits, communication style, and decision-making processes with your Enneagram type.

Knowing where you are is the first step toward getting to where you want to go. With a little work and research, you can make it happen. This foundational work will equip you to handle school challenges while becoming a better student!

At Colorado Christian University, you are set up for success from your first conversation all the way to graduation. CCU’s dedicated support staff will make sure you have what you need to succeed as a new student.

Connect with a CCU Enrollment Counselor today to get started!

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