Ninth Annual VALS Conference Addresses the Heart of America's Crises: Ethics
In this culture, renowned author and commentator Chuck Colson asserts, the real crisis is not financial -- it is ethical.
On Thursday, April 7, the ninth annual Values-Aligned Leadership Summit (VALS), hosted by CCU's School of Business and Leadership met in Denver, Colo. to explore the ethical realities facing the United States today. Speakers such as Chuck Colson (Prison Fellowship and Breakpoint), Timothy George (Dean and Professor of Divinity, Beeson School of Divinity), and Jim Daly (Focus on the Family) addressed students and business professionals on topics pertaining to ethics in the business world.
A record-breaking attendance surprised and impressed students and executives alike. "VALS 2011 was better and bigger than any of the other three I have attended," said a student in attendance. Another said, "This was my first year to attend and I didn't know what to expect. I was extremely impressed with the speakers and the high level of prominence of the speakers and the executives who attended."
As usual, executive attendees were very complimentary of CCU students. An executive attendee said, "I look forward to VALS every year, and I am never disappointed. I keep thinking it can't get better, but it always does." Over 350 business and nonprofit leaders and over 170 students attended, taking part in a power-packed agenda drilling down on the theme of "Doing the Right Thing."
"This year's team of people led by Dr. Gary Ewen, Dean of Colorado Christian University's School of Business and Leadership, provided a wonderful service to our students and to the business and leadership community as a whole," commented Dr. Chuck King, founder of VALS and Dean Emeritus of CCU's School of Business and Leadership. "Perhaps the greatest beneficiaries of the event were the students who were able to spend the day with a wonderful group of dedicated professionals who care about the next generation of leaders and who are concerned about doing the right thing."
The Values-Aligned Leadership Summit was founded by Dr. King in 2003 as an event to allow business executives to network with the next generation of leaders. Previous VALS conferences have focused on such themes as "Media, Values, and Leaders" (2007), "Establishing Corporate Values" (2008), and "The Role of Business in a Free-Market Economy" (2009).