CCU Professor Re-releases Classic Book on Grief
Dr. Ray Mitsch of Colorado Christian University is releasing a revised version of his classic book, Grieving the Loss of Someone You Love, this spring. The book, which has been in print for 20 years, has sold over 250,000 copies and guides mourners through the process of grief.
It's important to be mindful of the fact that Christ is always beside us, walking with us through the storm," notes Dr. Mitsch. "But we mustn't fall into the trap of believing that our awareness of Christ's closeness is all we need. That is simply not so. God created us to be in fellowship with others of our kind. We are not being immature Christians, 'disloyal' to God, or ungrateful when we openly acknowledge that we need to be comforted by friends and family during our time of crisis.
Grieving the Loss of Someone You Love is a series of devotions aimed at helping the reader navigate the road of grief. It delves into the stages of grief, offers a chance to wrestle with the emotions of anger, guilt, fear, and depression after loss, and aimed specifically at Christians helps readers face the God who allowed such a tragedy to occur.
The revised version is updated to reflect today's language and understanding of the grieving process.
This series of devotions allows Christians to fully enter into various stages of grief, when we often think we need to put on a happy face, explains Mitsch. When we're in such a valley of loss, we deny, we hurt, we weep, we rage we even bargain with God. This book is a companion for people as they travel through such tough, lonesome times, and it provides comfort and hope to help the hurting move beyond their grief.
We hope to shine a light on the road of grief.
Dr. Mitsch, an associate professor of psychology and Chairman of the Department of Psychology at Colorado Christian University, has over 30 years of private counseling practice in helping people with trauma, grief, and loss. Co-writer Lynn Brookside was a freelance writer and counselor.
For more on Dr. Mitsch and Grieving the Loss of Someone You Love, visit www.drmitsch.com.