Posted on August 15, 2016
CCU's Dr. Ellis' Book Selected for Colson Fellowship
Colorado Christian University is proud to celebrate with Dr. Jenna Ellis as her book, The Legal Basis for a Moral Constitution was selected for the 2016-17 Colson Fellowship year. The Colson Fellows Program is a powerful, nine-month entrepreneurial discipleship training designed to equip people of faith from every walk of life with skills, biblical knowledge, and a solid Christian worldview.
Dr. Ellis teaches Constitutional Law at CCU and is a constitutional and criminal law attorney. She came to CCU when she was tasked with redeveloping the Legal Studies program for the School of Business and Leadership. The goal of the redevelopment was to create a premier model for pre-law studies that prepares students for the academic and worldview challenges they will encounter in law school, said Dr. Ellis. The new program will include six new classes and a Moot Court team starting this fall which will give students the opportunity to participate in a national collegiate competition as attorneys, arguing a legal case before a mock Supreme Court.
Biblical truth and law
When asked what inspired her to write this book, Dr. Ellis replied, I wrote this book to answer my own questions as a Christian going through a secular program in law school. I knew that our nation was originally designed on the Christian worldview, but what happened? Why are we embracing the idea of separation of church and state? As Christians, we are aware of what truth is, and that the Christian worldview is the only internally consistent view that aligns with all aspects of reality. Law school, however, teaches that law is arbitrary and flexible, depending on the current majority whim. This presents a conflict when dealing with our Constitution which is predicated on the biblical worldview, adds Dr. Ellis. I wrote this book to address this conflict and show why Christians must understand the Constitution in context and advocate for biblical morality as the root authority for the law.
Colson Fellowship Program
Dr. Chris Leland professor of communication and director of debate at CCU was instrumental in recommending the book to the Colson Fellows Program. The heart of the Colson Fellows Program is about being able to fully integrate a Christian worldview into all of culture, said Dr. Leland. When reading Dr. Ellis' book it was clear that a Christian worldview was the heart of her work. In this case, Dr. Ellis showed that our timeless God is deeply imbedded in a timeless document that leads our country."
The Colson Center for Christian Worldview agreed with Dr. Leland. Well-written, easy to read, full of good information that the average American just does not know, added Dr. William Brown, a Senior Fellow for Worldview and Culture with The Colson Center. This book will be a good reference for the Christian perspective of how our government works and where the flash points of conflict arise. I love the way Dr. Jenna Ellis keeps going back to worldview foundations. This is the kind of research we can use with The Colson Center."
Dr. Ellis book was also featured in the Centennial Institute's Centennial Review for April 2016 and showcased at the 2016 London Book Fair. This was such an honor for me, said Dr. Ellis. I wrote the original manuscript not even sure my book would be published. To see how far God has brought this project has been amazing testament to His blessing. Isaiah 6:8 has been a verse dear to my heart because I echo Isaiah's enthusiasm: "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who shall go for us?' And I said, 'Here I am. Send me!'"
For more information on the Colson Fellows Program, visit colsonfellows.org. Dr. Ellis's book can be found online among other books recommended by the Centennial Institute.