Dr. Ben Carson Joins Roundtable Discussion on CCU Campus
U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Announces Expansions of Program to Help Homeless Young Adults
On Tuesday, October 6, 2020, Colorado Christian University welcomed Dr. Ben Carson back to campus for a roundtable discussion on adoption and foster care. Secretary Carson also highlighted the expansion of the Foster Youth Independence (FYI) initiative, a program that offers housing vouchers to local public housing authorities to prevent or end homelessness among young adults under the age of 25 who are in, or have recently left the foster care system and have no home base.
"The administration is not helping these individuals because they cannot help themselves — quite the opposite. These young people are powerful change-agents, making contributions that will propel our nation forward. The FYI program opens that door and allows them to unlock their full potential," Secretary Carson said. "Our young people are the source of strength for our nation, and anything we do to cultivate them only makes it better for all of us. The FYI program is not a testament to the power of HUD — it’s living proof that individuals have the power to enact meaningful change in their own communities."
Ahead of the roundtable discussion, Secretary Carson met privately with CCU students and provided insight on the work of HUD, the FYI voucher program, and other important topics. The roundtable discussion included FYI recipients along with local HUD officials and also marked one year since the FYI program's launch.
"CCU is honored to welcome Secretary Carson back to campus. He is no stranger to CCU, having addressed our students, faculty, and staff numerous times in the past," said Dr. Donald W. Sweeting, president of CCU. "The University was honored to host this special event for HUD, announcing the expansion of the FYI program which helps young people transition out of foster care and make immediate contributions to their communities and society as adults."
For more information on the FYI program, visit hud.gov.