Faculty Spotlight: Laura Saunders

Meet Laura Saunders

Degrees and Experience
  • M.A. Ed. Music Education (University of Nebraska)
  • B.M., Vocal Performance (Liberty University)
Biography and Professional Achievements

Laura Saunders serves on the music faculty at Colorado Christian University as Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Music Education as well as the Director of the University Women's Choir. She has led the University Women’s Choir in performances around Colorado on tour and on campus and has conducted the University Combined Choirs and Orchestra in concert and at the recent Inauguration of our CCU President. She also teaches classes in Music Education as well as private voice. She is an active clinician across Colorado and the United States having just directed a 200-voice honor’s choir in Indiana in October of 2023. She is the music director of the Arvada Baptist Church where she has served for 24 years.

Prior to coming to CCU, she worked as a music educator in K-12 settings, directing choirs, bands, handbells, and teaching general music. She also served as the Fine Arts Director of a private school music program.

Laura is passionate about inspiring others with her contagious love of music. Her Undergraduate degree from Liberty University was in Vocal Performance and she earned her Master of Arts in Music Education from the University of Nebraska, Kearney. Her Graduate Capstone thesis has since been published on Amazon and achieved bestseller status titled: "Your Brain on Music: The Cognitive Effects of Music Education on the Brain".

Laura is a certified Vocologist. She received her certification summer of 2024 from New York University.

In addition to being a music educator, she is a sought-after soloist in classical settings, churches, and for ladies’ ministries. She is the featured female soloist for the One Voice Mission Easter Sing held each year in Colorado Springs, CO. Classical performances include soprano solos for Handel's Messiah, Rutter's Gloria, and William's Dona Nobis Pacem. Saunders auditioned for and was selected by, renowned composer Mark Hayes to sing the soprano solos for his Gloria under his direction.

Laura firmly believes that all should be afforded the opportunity to participate in music programs. She and her husband reside in Arvada, CO, and have 4 grown children who actively participate in music.

  • Your Brain on Music: The Cognitive Effects of Music Education on the Brain