Posted on July 06, 2016
CCU Mourns the Passing of President Bill Armstrong
It is with great sadness that we announce that Bill Armstrong, president of Colorado Christian University, passed away on Tuesday, July 5, 2016 after a courageous battle with cancer. He was 79.
Bill Armstrong became president of CCU in August of 2006. He displayed an uncommon vision for our times by adopting the University's Strategic Objectives at the beginning of his presidency, and went on to lead the University during a period of unprecedented growth. Armstrong also spearheaded the current campus redevelopment campaign, now in its fifth year. His impact on the University will be felt for generations.
During Bill's tenure as CCU president, the University was ranked in the top two percent of colleges nationally by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni for its core curriculum. CCU was also designated as a College of Distinction for five consecutive years.
But beyond his achievements, Bill's true legacy was his focus on Jesus and his enthusiasm for CCU and all who are a part of it. While we mourn his passing, we also celebrate his life of service and leadership. We thank God for bringing to CCU a man of godly character, whose tenure was marked by great accomplishments and an overarching commitment to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Prior to his service at CCU, Armstrong was a long-time Colorado businessman who owned and operated more than a dozen private companies. He served as director of six public companies and was chairman of the Denver-based Oppenheimer Funds. He also served in the Colorado State House of Representatives (1963-1964), the Colorado Senate (1965-1972), U.S. House of Representatives (1973-1978), and U.S. Senate (1979-1990). Additionally, President Armstrong was on the board of Christian Businessmen's Committee USA and Campus Crusade for Christ.
Bill was born on March 16, 1937 in Fremont, Nebraska. He is survived by his wife, Ellen, who served as an elder of Cherry Hills Community Church, Highlands Ranch, and as a trustee of Colorado Christian University. Bill and Ellen Armstrong were married for nearly 54 years and have two children, eight grandchildren, and four granddaughters-in-law.
Bill's passing is a great loss not only for our University, but also for our country. Colorado Christian University has established a website to honor the life and legacy of President Bill Armstrong: www.ccu.edu/billarmstrong. Information regarding his funeral service and gifts in his memory will be announced here as it becomes available.
Gary Armstrong
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Colorado Christian University