Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Megan DeVore

Meet Dr. Megan DeVore

Degrees and Experience
  • Ph.D., Theology, specializing in Early Christianity (University of Wales)
  • M.A., Classics (University of Colorado at Boulder)
  • Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (Keble College, Oxford University)
  • B.A., History (Colorado Christian University)
Biography and Professional Achievements

With training in Historical Theology and Church History, as well as in Classics, art history, and philosophy, Dr. Megan DeVore teaches a variety of courses in the departments of Theology and Humanities and Social Sciences.

Dr. DeVore's academic work centers on the Patristic Era (the 1st-8th centuries). Her doctoral work addressed Early Christian identity, practices, and beliefs, focusing on the 2nd century. Her current research is continuing those themes in various aspects of Early Christianity, such as responses to heresies, martyr accounts, formation of the Scriptural Canon, and material culture (early Christian art).

Dr. DeVore has been teaching at CCU for 18 years and has received awards for teaching and scholarship from both students and faculty over the years. She serves as a spiritual and professional mentor for CCU undergraduates as well as in Denver Seminary's Training and Mentoring Program, and she often serves as a guest speaker at academic symposia in the United States and the UK, as well as for parachurch organizations, local churches and Christian schools, seminaries, and CCU events.

She is a Committee Member in the Scripture Collective: Scripture and Hermeneutics for the Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology in Cambridge, is an Editorial Board member for the Patristic Theology Journal, is a fellow at Credo, has served in several SBL committees and on Ph.D. dissertation defense panels, and has published various chapters and articles in her field.

Dr. DeVore lives in Lakewood with her husband and three young children.

Sample Presentations
  • "In Pigment and Stone: Anthropological Proclamation in Early Christian Art," ETS Annual Meeting: Patristics Section. San Antonio, November 2023.
  • "Exempla-making in early Martyr Accounts”, at the Oxford International Patristics Conference (UK), August 2024.
  • Plenary Lecture, "Augustine on Human Flourishing," Augustine Lecture Series, Newton House Theological Research Center at Oxford (UK), 2022.
  • "Christology beyond the text: visual theology in the Nicene era," Evangelical Theological Society Annual Conference, Denver. November 2022.
  • Featured Guest, Christianity Today "Prayer Amid Pandemic" Podcast, episode 13, June 2020.
  • "Prophetess, Confessor...or Benefactor? Dynamics of Benefaction in Early Christianity," International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford University, UK. August 2019.
  • "Depicting Gender (or is it Status?) in Early Christian Martyr Accounts," Society of Biblical Literature Annual Conference, San Diego. November 2019.
  • "Augustine on Human Flourishing." Plenary Address. The Commonweal Project at Southern Seminary: Human Flourishing in the Augustinian Tradition. April 2017.
  • Panel Presenter, "The Future of the Church: Looking Back to Look Forward Wisely," Future of the Church Annual Summit. Group Publishing, Loveland. October 2017.
  • "Imitatio Christi or Imitatio Martyrum?" American Society of Church History annual meeting, Sources of Authority and Influence in Early Christianity panel. January 2017.
  • "A Modern Implication of Irenaeus' Anthropology" Keynote presentation, Denver Seminary Annual Theology Colloquium, 2015.
Sample Publications
  • "Story-Telling: Early Christian Doctrine Through Narrative," in A Handbook on Early Christian Doctrine, ed. M. Haykin and M. Strickland, Lexham Publishing, forthcoming.
  • "Contra-Montanism in Carthage? The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity” in Montanism in the Roman World: The New Prophecy Movement in Historical, Sociological, and Ecclesiological Context, ed. H.E. Mader & P. Lampe (NTOA, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht/Brill, 2024)
  • “The Passion of Perpetua and Felicitas,” Encyclopedia of the Reception of the Bible (EBR), Vol. 23 (DeGruyter, 2024).
  • "Oracle: Christian Greek and Latin Patristic Period" in Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR), De Gruyter Publishing (2022/2023). EBR was selected as a CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title.
  • "Dynamics of Benefaction in an Early Christian Martyrdom Narrative," in "Rich in Good Deeds": A Biblical Response to Poverty by the Church and by Society, vol. 1, ed. R. Plummer, Fontes Press (2022).
  • Multiple entries, The Lexham Anthology of Christian Literature: An Introductory Reader. Leland Ryken, Benjamin Forrest, and Ginny Dow, eds. (forthcoming).
  • "Augustine's Confessions is a Text Unlike Any Other," The Gospel Coalition Canada, February 2022.
  • "Our Single Object and Ambition was Virtue: Friendship Among the Cappadocians," Christian History Magazine 132, November 2019.
  • "The Labors of Our Occupation: Can Augustine Offer Any Insight on Vocation?" SBJT 22.1 (2018).
  • "Catechumeni: Revisiting Conversion and Catechesis in the Late Second Century," Studia Patristica Series vol. 22, XCVI (Leuven: Peeters Publishing Co., 2017).
  • "Agrippina's Memoirs," Classical Outlook 90 (2015).
Professional Societies
  • North American Patristics Society
  • American Society of Church History
  • Society of Biblical Literature, committee member
  • Evangelical Theological Society
  • Colorado Classics Association