Make Your Voice Heard

CCU Student leaders exist to represent the collective student body and provide students with an avenue to voice their opinions. The Student Government Senate is comprised of a Student Body President, four executive council members, and 15 student senators. The Student Government Senate strives to serve the communities of CCU and the greater Denver-Metro area by coordinating events and services to address voiced needs.


Senators present legislation and initiatives to help meet student needs and address important issues on campus. All students are welcome to attend Senate meetings that occur on a bi-weekly basis. However, senators are the only students allowed to vote on legislation.

Student Standards and Accountability Board

The Student Standards and Accountability Board (SSAB) is responsible for hearing student cases concerning discipline appeals, as deemed appropriate in the Student Judicial Model. SSA’s main purpose is to discern between what is true and what is false and assist in carrying out the University's discipline process found in the Student Handbook.

The goal of SSAB is to remain teachable, approachable, and professional, and to exercise wisdom on each case-by-case student infraction.

Contact Us

Please reach out to if you have questions or would like more information.