Give to the New Science Center

CCU Science Center

Give to the new CCU Science Center

Forward with Conviction!

Colorado Christian University is committed to developing facilities that attract and support generations of lifelong disciples who will inspire advancements in science — students who seek out truth and lead through competence and character.

At CCU, science and engineering are taught within the world of ideas, synthesizing the liberal arts, advanced theories, and applied technology. Students achieve more than technical competence: they critically think through the impacts of innovations and apply their Christian worldview to scientific ethical problems.

Character forms the bedrock of God-honoring and kingdom-building science. At CCU, our science and engineering faculty intentionally seek out ways to hone a Christ-like character in our students, inspiring them to become the moral and ethical, world-changing leaders.

Our conviction take seriously the charge found in Romans 12:2: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect," (ESV).

We ask that you prayerfully consider your most generous gift to the Science Center at Colorado Christian University. For more than a century CCU has been dedicated to providing Christ-centered higher education that transforms students to impact the world with grace and truth. Your donation to the Science Center will ensure that generations of students will be trained and prepared to be competent and ethical leaders in the fields of science and engineering.

If your generous gift to the Science Center is more than $25,000, please contact Vice President Eric Hogue before making your donation online.


Amanda Grogan

Senior Director of Major Gifts
Phone: 303-963-3139

Are you interested in discussing how you can help Colorado Christian University provide world-changing training through CCU Online to transform the world and increase God's kingdom? You can donate online below or contact Amanda Grogan, Senior Director of Major Gifts, to learn more.

At Colorado Christian University, we are committed to providing a quality Christian college education, that honors Christ and his Word, and sends out wave after wave of students who will graduate with great conviction and courage as they enter their life calling.
– Dr. Donald W. Sweeting, president of Colorado Christian University

Give now to the new CCU Science Center.

Complete the online giving form below or give from your Donor Advised Fund using the provided link.

Charitable Gifts

CCU deeply appreciates and is able to accept a variety of gift types, including cash, stocks, real estate, legacy giving, and more.

Advancement Team

Contact University Advancement for assistance with questions, donations, and legacy planning.

Gift Matching

If your employer offers a gift-matching program, you may be able to double your gift to CCU!

Colorado Christian University is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. CCU's tax ID number is 84-0442429.
View CCU's Capital Gift Administrative Allowance and Endowment Gift Administrative Allowance Policies.

University Advancement