Impact Students by Supporting CCU
One of the best ways donors and alumni can make a meaningful impact on Colorado Christian University students is by investing in education and supporting the University through charitable gifts.
That is why we established the Century Club in 2024, to recognize and honor our generous supporters who give at least $100 annually to CCU. Last year, these gifts totaled nearly $2.4 million, funding scholarships, academic programs, athletics, and capital campaigns.
Every gift matters and makes a major impact!
Gifts of all sizes are always appreciated, and with donations of $100 or more, you will receive an exclusive, high-quality vinyl decal to proudly display your love for CCU on your car and other items. The decal features the words “Century Club” (with “Alumni” added for graduates) against a backdrop of CCU’s symbolic “Three Peaks.”
The Significance of the “Three Peaks”
Founded in 1914, the story of Colorado Christian University begins with the strategic contributions of three prominent heritage institutions represented in our Century Club design by the three mountain peaks:
- Denver Bible Institute which became Rockmont College
- Western Bible Institute which became Western Bible College
- Colorado Christian College (formed by Rockmont & Western) which merged with Colorado Baptist University
Just as the magnificence of the Front Range has stood behind these three heritage institutions, the beauty of Colorado Christian University today stems from the contributions and faithfulness of all students and faculty from each of these heritage schools, woven into the fabric of what has become CCU.
The three peaks were incorporated into CCU's first logo after it became a university in 1989, symbolizing the contributions of those who have helped shape CCU over the past century. This design represents our steadfast commitment to Christ-centered higher education, transforming students to impact the world with grace and truth.
Our Heritage
For more information about CCU's history and to explore the timeline of our heritage institutions, visit the History of CCU.
Give Now
To make a dontation, please visit
To learn more about the Century Club, contact Kara Johnston Mott, director of annual giving and strategic engagement.

Kara Johnston Mott
Director of Alumni and Parent Relations
Phone: 303-963-3320