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CCU Undeclared Major Program

If you're unsure of your next step, Colorado Christian University offers you mentors, classes, and the space to figure out what makes you really come alive. Our Freshman Year Integration program involves exploring your spiritual gifts, your individual strengths, and where God might be calling you, helping you develop your own personal mission statement. FYI classes are a great way to begin a personal connection with staff and faculty members; a lot of CCU students end up developing relationships with their FYI instructors that last for their entire lives.

We think it’s the personal relationships that really make a difference in your college career. CCU also provides the unique experience of being advised by a Life Directions Center (LDC) Advisor for your entire CCU experience. One of the roles the LDC Advisor will play in your life is being a mentor, assisting you through the process of making a well-informed, Christ-centered decision about your major and future career.

LDC Advisors help you explore your own individual abilities, gifts, interests, skills, values, personality, and purpose – characteristics that play a crucial role in determining academic direction. We believe you have a unique, God-given purpose and it takes time and patience to develop a vision for that purpose. At other colleges and universities, changing your major also means changing your advisor, but at CCU, changing your major does not mean changing your LDC advisor.

Choosing the Right Major for You

Choosing the "right" college major can be a challenging, confusing, and exciting experience. It's often hard to decide right out of high school what you want to study for the next four years, let alone what career you want to pursue after college graduation. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 80% of students in the United States end up changing their major at least once. On average, college students change their major at least three times throughout college.

At Colorado Christian University, declaring a major is more than just deciding "what you want to be when you grow up". Choosing a major field of study is about finding your purpose and place within the world. It's about fulfilling God's calling for your life. It's about preparing yourself for the journey ahead. Our strong general education requirements provide a great foundation for students who are not sure about what they want to study. Students at CCU do not have to declare a major until they have completed 60 credit hours, so this gives them about two years to figure out what major could be a good fit.

Questions to Ask When Deciding on a Major

We want to help you find a major that combines your interests and your talents. What are you good at? What interests you? Consider these questions when deciding on a major.

Starting the College Process?

Here is what CCU can offer you to help in the major exploration process:

  • MBTI/Strong Interest Inventory Assessments (the LDC offers these free of charge for current CCU students) – These assessments help you learn more about your personality, interests, and work preferences. These can provide insight into what type of fields you might be interested, or what kind of job you would thrive in.
  • One on one advising with the LDC advisor for undeclared students.
  • Strengths Quest and Spiritual Gifts assessments offered in our First Year Integration Class.
  • Research on ONET.
  • Eliminate majors – cross out all majors that do not interest you, and write one word of why it interests you or doesn't’t interest you.
  • Attend campus events/community events and follow up with a contact to get more information.
  • Opportunities for job shadowing.
  • Find an internship – this can offer great clarity on whether you would want to pursue a career in that particular field, as well as providing connections for potential future jobs.
  • Join an on-campus club or organization.

Hire a CCU Student

Our students are fantastic and we would love to market your part-time and full-time job and internship opportunities to them. Employers can post full-time or part-time job opportunities as well as temporary jobs and volunteer opportunities  This is where we direct our students when they are looking for part-time and full-time jobs. Visit our webpage to learn more. If you have any questions, please contact

Every decision you make—every decision—is not a decision about what to do. It's a decision about who you are...
- Neale Donald Walsch, Author of the series Conversations with God (b. 1943)
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