Request Info

Are you interested in joining one of the School of Music’s ensembles?

Audition sign-ups are happening now! This is a great way to make diverse connections and new friends across campus! You do not have to be a music-related major to audition. Ensemble opportunities include  Symphonic BandJazz BandChoir, Chamber Strings, and  Handbell Ensemble.

University Symphonic Band

All students are required to audition for ensemble placement in the fall, even returning seniors.

General Information
    • Be sure to sign up for 2 audition slots if auditioning for both Symphonic Band and Jazz Ensemble. Brass and woodwind auditions in Rm. 206 (Prof. Dorn's office). Percussion auditions in the auditorium.
    • Percussionists, try to sign up between 1:30 and 4:00 on Monday OR between 3:05 and 5:15 on Tuesday.
    • For signup questions, contact Janet at .
Audition Requirements
  1. Play 3 major scales ( concert pitch): Eb, Ab, and D. (concert pitch, please transpose for your instrument).
  2. 1 minute or less of prepared music. Acceptable music: excerpts from a band piece, excerpt of an etude, excerpt of a solo piece.
  3. Sight reading.

Please Note: Percussionists, please be prepared to play scales on xylophone and 2 rudiments on snare drum. Arrange to have your own drum sticks and xylophone mallets.

Email Mr. Dorn at with any questions.

Mainstream Jazz Ensemble

All students are required to audition for ensemble placement in the fall, even returning seniors.

General Information
  • Be sure to sign up for 2 audition slots if auditioning for both Symphonic Band and Jazz Ensemble. Brass and woodwind auditions in Rm. 206 (Prof. Dorn's office).  Percussion auditions in the auditorium.
  • Percussionists, try to sign up  between 1:30 and 4:00 on Monday OR  between 3:05 and 5:15 on Tuesday
  • Sign up for an extra slot if you are auditioning on two instruments.
  • For signup questions, contact Janet at
Audition Requirements
  1. Play prepared piece as provided. (These are scanned, by instrument, and available on the site).
  2. Improvise on an F blues. If you’ve never done this, just give it a try!
  3. Sight reading.
  4. Rhythm Section: Play a chord chart (piano, bass, guitar) on  either  Summertime (intermediate level)  or  Have You Met Miss Jones (advanced level) [also scanned and available on the site] demonstrate chord knowledge (piano, guitar); demonstrate various grooves (drum set).

 Email Mr. Dorn at with any questions.

University Choir, University Women's Choir, and Men's Chorus

This is a placement audition. Your choice of ensemble will be taken into account; however, final placement will be made based on the needs of each ensemble.

General Information
  •   ALL singers in all ensembles, new and returning, MUST audition.
  • Returning University Choir and Men's Chorus members should, if possible, sign up for a slot on Wednesday afternoon.  If those times are taken, they should sign up for an earlier time Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday morning which works for them.
  • Peak Harmony auditions are SEPARATE and will take place Wednesday, September 6, during the ensemble's class period (1:40).  All interested should come to that class.
Audition Information

The audition will include the following components:

  1. Vocalizes with piano to explore range and tone.
  2. Singing a brief prepared piece of your choice, a cappella.  (an art song, hymn, or familiar patriotic pieces, such as "My Country 'tis of Thee" or "America" work well).
  3. Sight-singing simple melodies (provided at the audition).
  4. Pitch retention (hearing and singing back pitches).

 Email Dr. McNeil at  with any questions or if you can't find a time that works for you.

University Chamber String Ensemble

If you are new to CCU this fall, we would like to welcome you, and we look forward to meeting you in person soon!  If you are a returning student, welcome back, and for all we have an exciting year planned for Chamber Strings this academic year.  

During the first week of classes, we will be having relatively informal auditions.  These are designed to help me place you in the smaller ensembles that we have, in addition to the full string ensemble.  Please sign up for a 6-minute audition slot between 3:06pm and 5:00pm on Tuesday August 27 in Room 213.  Be prepared to play a selection of music that best represents your playing. 

If you have any questions, please email Dr. Niezen at

Handbell Ensemble

The Handbell Ensemble Needs YOU! NO audition is required, just register for MUE-114. Come to class T/TH at 1:40. For all other ensembles, go to the class and you will get more information from there.

Fall Play auditions are held in mid-September.