Dr. Mellani Day
Dean of the School of Business and Technology, Professor - School of Business and Technology Learn MoreMeet the Dean of Business and Technology
Over the last decade as dean of the School of Business and Technology, I have seen Colorado Christian University thrive and grow. We have graduated thousands of men and women who excel in their fields and who want to impact the world for Jesus — each in their own sphere of influence.
The vision of the School of Business and Technology is to have graduates who are confident, yet humble. Our students are generally mid-career adult learners, who come from all types of industries, organizations, and nonprofits, including: government, military, small business, major conglomerates, and both domestic and international companies. Because of this, they bring a wealth of experience to the classroom and we design our curriculum to incorporate that experience.
Through CCU's College of Adult and Graduate Studies, the School of Business and Technology offers seven master’s degrees and 12 undergraduate degrees and currently serves over 1,800 students. We operate with an entrepreneurial mindset and continuous improvement is built into our daily work. We design our programs to be aligned with CCU’s vision, mission, and strategic priorities. This means that we seek to create a Christ-centered community, deliver exemplary academics, provide for spiritual formation, and prepare our students to engage and transform the world.
We teach our students to learn how to learn and to be lifelong learners. We do this because change is a constant, and we want our students to be prepared. Our faculty are also industry professionals with a similar range of backgrounds who, along with their academic credentials, are up-to-date with advancements in their fields and are followers of Jesus. Our faculty are able to integrate practical experience and a biblical worldview with the theories, skills, tools, and methodologies in each program.
When our students graduate, they are confident that they have been equipped to go out and impact and improve our world. This isn’t a confidence that relies on their own strength, but as it says in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me,” (ESV). Finally, we desire that our students are humble. We know that Jesus himself, who is our example, humbled Himself (Philippians 2:6-8) and showed respect for all of His creation. We all know that there is so much more to learn, that we will never have arrived, and that we are imperfect as long as we are in this world.
So with these things in mind, I invite you to take that next step in your educational journey with us. We look forward to serving you as you continue towards fulfilling the path that God has for you.
Dr. Mellani Day
Dean, School of Business and Technology
College of Adult and Graduate Studies