Meet the Dean of the School of Education
The School of Education faculty and staff are committed to providing state-of-the-art, research-based learning experiences and activities for you to gain the knowledge and skills needed to be an effective teacher in today's changing classrooms. We have a standards-based, assessment-driven education program that models what you will experience as a future teacher.
Our students genuinely seek to grow in knowledge and in faith as they serve in the community and world. In fact, principals at the schools where we place student teachers tell me that our teacher candidates are noticeably different--distinct in their caring, grounding and sense of purpose as they work with children and adolescents.
CCU students act on a commitment to integrate their faith in all they do; they model Christ-like values and behaviors in their relationships and roles. They take their call to be a teacher seriously and they have a principled sense of responsibility that makes a significant impact in the lives and in the learning of school-age children.
We hope you will consider joining our unique community of students, faculty, and staff as you prepare to answer God's calling for your life!
Debora L. Scheffel, Ph.D.
Dean, School of Education