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Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems (B.S.)

Program Options: Major and Minor

The Computer Information Systems (CIS) bachelor's degree at Colorado Christian University is designed for students seeking careers as information systems professionals, with emphasis on software development and programming. Offered through the School of Business and Leadership, the CIS degree emphasizes practical application of classroom learning through individual and group lab experiences as well as hands-on projects with real-world clients.

CIS majors will master the standard business core courses in addition to their technical skills. Technological emphasis is placed on a variety of modern programming languages, data structures, distributed data processing, database management, networks and data communications, and information systems organization and design.

The major consists of 27 hours of CIS courses that are aligned with a specific industry recognized certification exam. In addition to the coursework, every student in the course will take the specific certification exam for credit.

By carefully selecting 500-level elective credits, Computer Information Systems majors can also earn up to 18 credit hours toward their CCU MBA degree while finishing their undergraduate computer information systems degree at no additional cost or time to graduation.

Computer Information Systems at CCU

Computer Information Systems and the science behind the discipline has made extraordinary progress in the last twenty years — most of which affects our lives on a daily basis. Humans have an amazing God-given capacity to learn technology and to discover new technologies. In CCU's School of Business and Leadership, we aspire to grow and thrive in our faith walk with Jesus Christ, as well as in our academic endeavors. With a strong emphasis on technology solutions for business, the CIS major offers a distinctive balance between technical challenges, managerial issues, and ethical living as followers and disciples of Christ.

What can you do with a degree in computer information systems?
  • Computer programming
  • Data analysis and analytics
  • Software development
  • Web development
Interesting Classes You Might Take
  • Database Administration and Implementation
  • Programming Foundations
  • Web Design Fundamentals

Course Catalog

About the School of Business and Leadership

The School of Business and Leadership follows a practitioner-professor model; every professor has been successful in business, with many of them still owning and running their businesses part-time as they teach. Close connection to the workplace ensures they stay relevant and incorporate the latest business wisdom and trends as well as understand what employers are seeking. Employers are our customers while students are our clients whom we are preparing for success.

Our professors have accumulated decades of business experience and academic credentials, working in law firms, Fortune 500 companies, high-tech companies, small firms, and entrepreneurship endeavors. Some accomplishments include running communications for the Olympics in Beijing, amassing a real small estate empire, building their own Financial Management company that invests more than $30 million, and one professor who has started more than ten new businesses. Our professors have connections that can provide networking opportunities to help you get the most out of your experience at CCU.

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